Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Always blame the women?

Finally the responsibility doesn't only lay on the women. The man plays a part as well.

"Perhaps we have been blaming the women as couples get older but perhaps there's a contribution from the male because we're not behaving as we should be." BBC News.

Here you go guys a perfect excuse: "I just want to remain fertile!" I'll keep that in mind.

Has a man conducted this research?

I wonder though if the research can be turned around...does this mean that men who have a high fertility count, have several ejaculations per day...the question probably remains....

If only someone would do a similar research for women! As always the female sex drive is non-existent.
I don't know if this is true, but I read or heard somewhere that there is a greater chance of a woman conceiving if she has an orgasm during sex. Now these are the kind of statistics I enjoy, probably conducted by a woman, I guess I have to mention. But, then maybe only a woman would be interested in finding out the result.

Equality is always the best medicine.
