Thursday, February 4, 2010

JD Salinger

Been struggling to decide on which book to read next when I read about JD Salinger's passing in the paper and therefore decided to read 'Franny and Zooey'. I don't know anything about the book. I was given it by a friend, who had recommended it. I'm looking forward in starting it.
Tonight I am defiantly going to bed earlier so that I will! We'll see how those plans go.

Also read in the paper (Dagens Nyheter) that there are rumours going around about JD Salinger having had a whole collection of unpublished novels at home to be published after his death. Lets hope those rumours are true.
I can absolutely understand that authors and writers in general are too influenced and affected by the views of their audience, readers, publishers and critics. Which has an impact on their writing. One becomes paranoid and self critical only thinking about what people might say about ones work and not concentrating about the message you want to send out and the reason you set out to write in the first place.
Is being a writer overrated? Can anyone be a writer? Does writing a fashion blog make you a writer? Does being a paid writer make you an official writer? Or is it when you personally achieve your writing aim? When you yourself are satisfied with what you have written?
They say writers are never happy with what they write, because once they are they stop writing. You've achieved your goal.

So far I've never been entirely happy with anything I've ever written, and I hope I never will be.