Sunday, January 17, 2010

Snow in winter? No, really?

There have been no real problems here in Sweden, but it's ridiculous when you compare it to Britain and especially Scotland. I mean it is on the same latitude as Stockholm, so it shouldn't be that different.
Differences: Swedes don't put water into their screen wash-yes if the temperature goes under 0 degrees Celsius it will freeze. They put 100% anti-freeze in it instead-quite basic stuff. And they have studs on their tires so that when it gets icy on the roads the cars don't skid everywhere! There are ploughed side-walks and there are laws that say that people are in charge of their own driveways as well as the side-walks outside of their homes, which is important in case you need to turn your car around. It is well stocked up on salt and grit so the roads are always well ploughed, salted and gritted. The schools don't close if it snows, the transport system still runs and although there might be delays people aren't advised to stay indoors.
People wear the right shoes and coats for this kind of weather and less people leave their homes in just t-shirts. But nobody is perfect and Sweden also has oldies falling and breaking hips and homeless needing extra help during the cold snaps, but that's the same as every year.Why is Britain so far behind? Can it really simply be because everyone wants a snow day?