Wednesday, December 15, 2010


So can you be convicted, in the USA or in Europe, for spreading top secret information around the world-at the moment -no. Surely if there is no law against it when the crime is commited then you can't simply all of a sudden make up a law and afterwards convict people of it? That's simply not how it works. Assange has at the moment not commited a crime regarding spreading classified information over the site Wikileaks. However the soldier who most probably sold this information for a large sum to Assange is guilty of spreading classified information. Which is why he is now also in prison.
However Assange is being accused for sexual harassment in Sweden which is a different case altogether.

This accusal that Sweden is part some kind of conspirator with the US against Assange. Sweden has the strongest and oldest freedom of speech in the world as well as the most open of societies. The idea that Assange would come here and then be sent to the US is ridiculous or even the fact that Sweden would have agreed to something like this before hand makes me so angry! Assange was wanted in Sweden already in August regarding these sexual harassments and rape cases before any of this broke out.

Why is it that once again a man is being protected and defended by society for committing one of mankind’s worst crimes and the most terrifying crimes that can be committed against a woman. Why are always the women to blame?! Sweden also has the most reported cases of rape within the EU. Why?! Because the term rape includes so many more examples than simply brutal force. Yes by refusing to use a condom even though asked to is considered sexual molestation and in Sweden that is a crime! Which is not the law in the UK.

Where is the support of our female politicians?

Where are the women’s rights activists?

I have not heard anything.

This angle is not even discussed in the Swedish press-because it’s so simple, so straight forward. When you go to another country you follow the laws of that country and you get convicted accordingly. Proof is not needed to be extradited to the country where you are being accused of something-that’s the same all over the world. By refusing to come to Sweden Assange is admitting to these crimes. If he is innocent than come and prove it himself. He has been accused of committing a crime and if it is not true than he has every right to come here without the fear of being sent to the US. But surely if the US asked for him to be sent there than the British government would be forced to act the same way no?