Tuesday, January 13, 2009

7 days to go

i'm so excited

and i just can't hide it

i'm about to lose control

and i think i like it!!!!

7 days to go and the lovely Obama will have taken a big step not only for himself but for his own generation and the ones to come. It will be difficult to follow Obama. He is idealised and has become almost like a god figure. The expectations of him are now high, will he be able to achieve everything he has set out to achieve and everything which is expected of him? Hope. Is he already backing down from the things he promised? It will take a long time to close Guantanamo he has said. A long legal process. Is this new information? Did he not know that when he spoke about closing it down in the first place? Or is he trying to wind down the expectations. Change. Will he and Hillary Clinton be able to make a difference in the Israel/Palestine conflict. I believe they can. President Clinton came a long way. Wouldn't it be so cool if his wife then finished the job! As always the women are picking up the broken pieces which the men have left behind. Strength.

I'm scared. Scared that Obama will turn out like all the others. That as soon as he comes to power he will forget about the people and his well chosen advisers opinions and only do what looks good and not what actually needs to be done. Fame goes to ones head and so, for that matter, does power. Although they usually go hand in hand so it's difficult to separate the two.

I have reached the point of blankness in my mind...